Life isn’t just about ‘you’, Its about ‘you.' About all the different people you are, and all the different aspects of yourself. Lily smiled. It was quite a pretty concept, really. The universe has rarely had Lily’s back, it is a shifting thing. No longer does she have her friend, or her family. Her mother more preoccupied with her own life, and her best friend missing, Lily is completely alone.
Victoria Tyler Bassett-Wilton is 18 years old.
About Year of the Novella program: Over the course of 2018, a select group of young writers was invited to take part in a year-long writing program at the Story Factory. Their goal was to produce not just a fistful of poems, or a story, or a script, but a fully realised novella. The volunteers working with our budding novelists were there not so much as tutors but as mentors and peers, offering help and support while writing a novella of their own. This is one of the novellas produced in these workshops.