if i was made from adam’s rib, i wonder which bones of mine are his?
To all of the people stuck inside the ribcage of gendered oppression.
This is a story of prophecy – both unspoken and shouted, until voices are thinned.
From domesticated rib to knife, this is a story of becoming, and the gentle, humming promise of forgiveness.
A Story Factory, Year of Poetry publication.
Year of Poetry is one of Story Factory’s most intensive programs. Throughout 2021, a committed group of young writers came to workshops every Thursday afternoon – first at Story Factory in Parramatta; then, when the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit, over Discord. Through these and many other disruptions, the young people in this program continued to write and support each other. This chapbook was written as part of that project.
This project was supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.