Inside the Minds of a Murderer is a crime-fiction novella centred around three different characters living their lives in a run-of-the-mill, poverty-struck town called the Bog. When the murder of a rich merchant and a chain of shady supplies fall into Scarelettown, the neighbouring city, these three detective characters are brought together to work two cases which may be connected.
Meet Peter, an amazing detective and leader of one of the most deadly groups in Bog.
Meet Aspel, the strong, red-haired brute from the far lands.
Meet the Warden, the sleek sleuth who creeps across the lands of the Bog.
Over the course of 2021, a select group of young writers was invited to take part in a year-long writing program at Story Factory. Their goal was to produce a fully realised novella. This is one of the novellas produced in these workshops.
Year of the Novella is one of Story Factory’s most intensive programs. Throughout 2021, a committed group of young writers came to workshops every week – first at Story Factory in Parramatta; then, when the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic hit, over Discord. Through these and many other disruptions, the young people in this program continued to write and support each other. This novella was written as part of that project.
Year of the Novella 2021 was made possible thanks to the support of the McLean Foundation, Nelson Meers Foundation, Key Foundation and Pantera Press Foundation.