Talk to a reader by Marianne Handoko

Talk to a reader by Marianne Handoko

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This book contains mature themes and strong violence. If you are below 15 years of age, we recommend you do not continue reading.



Death is the next greatest adventure 

Except for the ones still living 

For the ones still roaming 

Death is a slap to the face 

It's the glass hidden underneath the soil 

That our related lost souls are buried in 

Death is something I wish not to linger on 

But he’s chasing me with a vacant grave 

And I… 

Bought the soil 

And engraved the date my heart died

Into the skin of the earth 



Over the course of 2023, a select group of young writers was invited to take part in a year-long writing program at Story Factory. Their goal was to produce a collection of poetry. This is one of the collections produced in these workshops. 

This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

This project has been supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund.

We would like to thank Midland Typesetters for generously typesetting these manuscripts. Thanks also to the poets who visited the workshops and shared their knowledge and passion: BEA, Eileen Chong, Jazz Money and Omar Sakr.