• Free to Fashion

  • Sewing the fabric of their own identity.

Free to Fashion

Sewing the fabric of their own identity. Buy now

Year of Poetry & Year of the Novella 2023

Over the course of 2023, some amazing young writers met every week to write, create, and to share their wonderful ideas. 29 of them published their very own book. Available now

Best of Story Factory 10th Anniversary Edition

Our special 10th anniversary editions of the Best Of Story Factory Buy now

The Best of Story Factory

This is the first volume in our Best of Story Factory series, highlighting the outstanding work written by young people in Story Factory creative writing workshops in 2020. Buy Now

Female Factory

In this collection you'll find artworks and writing created by students as they investigate both the site of the Parramatta Female Factory Institutions Precinct which has been an orphanage, prison, asylum, medical facility and school, and our shared history on Darug land. Buy now

The Story Factory Bookshop

Story Factory publishes a thrilling selection of student writing from our creative writing programs each year. Our students range in age from 7- 17 and come from diverse backgrounds across Western Sydney and beyond.

We are so proud to present their writing here for sale.

Proceeds from our bookstore support creative writing programs for young people from under resourced communities.

Israa is truly a ray of light! In 2021, when Israa completed the Year of Poetry program, she entered every workshop with a beaming smile and the brightest 'hiya' you'll ever hear.

Her writing is honest, generous and always willing to invite the reader into the intimacies of her worldview, asking us to stand alongside her and question the world. Her work strives for freedom, she examines both the larger injustices of the world and the smaller day-to-day challenges.

Atoc has been working with Story Factory for years, and in her writing you'll find a young author who is always deeply thoughtful and intent on exploring the complexities of life as a young person in this day and age.

Her work, which is clearly aware of the immediacies of life in the suburbs of Sydney and the daily challenges of school, is also unafraid to look further afield exploring larger issues of identity, the consequences of war and the hope for belonging.


Come Visit Us In-Store

176 Redfern Street, REDFERN

Mondays - Thursdays

10am - 4pm

(02) 9699 6970


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